Plenty of psychologists believe that our behavior is influenced by certain parts of our brain that are responsible for certain functions. The Cognitive Behavior Therapy, or CBT, offered at Teen Drug Addiction can treat a variety of conditions and disorders, from sleeping problems to substance abuse difficulties. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a marriage of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy wherein psychotherapy places importance on what we give meaning to, while behavioral therapy focuses on our behavior and thoughts.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is aimed at altering certain brain processes in order to possibly change a usually aversive or self-harming behavior. In this case, we want to look into the brain processes that cause teens to become addicted. Cognitive Behavior Therapy focuses on a person’s cognitive processes (e.g. thoughts, images, beliefs, attitudes), and how these processes affect his/her behavior and overall well-being. The number of sessions a person can attend also varies, depending on how well the patient will receive the therapy. It can last from 5 to 10 sessions, sometimes more. More importantly, Cognitive Behavior Therapy is customizable depending on the individual needs of every patient.
At our Teen Treatment Center in Los Angeles, we are dedicated to helping teens become rehabilitated members of society by offering the least harmful methods of recovery. With our trustworthy staff members, our goal of helping the patient become sober is a possibility that is much closer than he/she might think. If you are interested in the Cognitive Behavior Therapy that we offer, you may set an appointment with us by calling 888-294-0977. You may also send us an e-mail at [email protected] to inquire about Teen Rehabilitation in Los Angeles, California.