Tag Archives: Substance Abuse
Teen Addiction in the US
According to americanaddictioncenters.org, 1 in 25 teenagers between the ages of 12 to 17 suffer from a substance abuse disorder. This accounted for roughly 4% of the adolescent population in the year 2017.
No Going Back: Tips to Avoid Relapse
As a chosen teenage rehabilitation center, we have seen many stories from our patients and their families. Drug addiction can be a vicious cycle. You can find the right support from us at Teen Drug Addiction. Drug rehab centers for teens provide a comprehensive drug recovery plan that recognizes the challenges along the way, even when patients have … Continue reading
The Stages of Addiction Recovery
Addiction is not the end. At Teen Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment Center, we help you and your loved ones recover from substance abuse. There are many drug rehab centers in Los Angeles but with us, we focus more on the patient’s journey. The road to recovery begins with an acknowledgment that you need intervention. Members of the family and … Continue reading
Signs that an Adolescent is Using Drugs
Are you concerned that your adolescent might be using illegal drugs? Teen Drug Addiction, one of the many drug rehab facilities for teens in Los Angeles, has listed the most common signs that you can check to determine if your teen is using or abusing drugs. Sudden Mood and Behavioral Changes Teens who use drugs … Continue reading