At least 50% of high school seniors have tried an illegal drug, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). This just basically means that these teens are now exposed to the many potential health issues brought by this substance. As a parent or legal guardian, it is your responsibility to ensure that your teen does not fall into the temptation of taking illegal drugs. Here are some precautionary measures you can do to ensure that drugs aren’t in your teen’s radar:
- Initiate a Healthy Dialog
Initiate a serious, uninterrupted conversation with your teen about drugs and its risks. Your conversation should be a two-way process. This means that you should also ask your teenager about his or her view regarding the subject. By being open about the topic, you can greatly mitigate the future need to admit your teen into a drug treatment facility. - Know What Your Teen’s Activities Are
As a parent or guardian, you should always pay attention to all the activities your teen is involved in. This way, you can monitor any potential risks that can acquaint your teen to drugs. Remind your teen not to give in to peer pressure, which is one of the reasons why some teens end up in drug rehab facilities. - Establish Clear Boundaries
Provide rules that will instill positive, unshakeable values and help them know their limits to reduce the possibility of drug use. Remind them that being independent doesn’t mean doing things blindly without considering healthy boundaries. - Be More Involved in Their Lives
All substance abuse treatment centers, such as Teen Drug Addiction, encourage parents to have a more active and non-overbearing involvement in their kid’s life. Healthy supervision creates a strong bond between you and your teen and lets them learn and grow independently and conscientiously.
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